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 Take action to help us grow

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Our mission is to provide free food assistance to residents in Southside Tucson & the City of South Tucson. We are working to increase food accessibility in our southtside communities by removing the red-tape that can typically limit receiving food assistance. We provide free emergency food boxes to residents in the southside areas we deliver to. No financial or personal information is needed to qualify, all boxes are delivered directly to you, and boxes can be modified due to any dietary restrictions or allergies. 


Nuestra misión es proporcionar asistencia alimentaria gratuita a los residentes de Southside Tucson y la ciudad de South Tucson. Estamos trabajando para aumentar el acceso a los alimentos en nuestras comunidades del sur eliminando los trámites burocráticos que normalmente pueden limitar la recepción de asistencia alimentaria. Brindamos cajas de alimentos de emergencia gratuitas a los residentes en las áreas del lado sur a las que entregamos. No se necesita información financiera o personal para calificar, todas las cajas se entregan directamente a usted y las cajas se pueden modificar debido a restricciones dietéticas o alergias.


Interested in donating food items?

If you are interested in donating food items, sponsoring an event/sponsoring items for an event, or hosting a mini-food drive, please click the link below to submit your information!

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South Tucson C.O. hats & shirts are back in stock!

100% of all shirt and hat profits go back to our organization! Represent South Tucson C.O. with a hat or shirt while giving back to a good cause!

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P.O. Box 2908, Tucson, AZ 85702  |  (520) 889-0952

Thanks for submitting! We will respond to your message as soon as possible.

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@2024 South Tucson Community Outreach

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